Activities for kids can vary widely, depending on their age and interests. Some activities that are suitable for all ages include outdoor games such as tag, hide-and-seek, and hopscotch. Children of all ages love to have fun. Fun activities for kids can range from simple indoor activities to more elaborate outdoor activities. Here are some ideas to get the fun started:

Indoor activities: If you’re stuck inside, there are still plenty of ways to have fun. Have a dance party in the living room. Set up a scavenger hunt around the house. Have a craft day where everyone gets to make something. Board games are always a great way to pass the time.

Fun Things To Do with Kids in Sacramento |

Outdoor activities: Get the kids out of the house for some fresh air. Go for a bike ride or a hike. Take a trip to the park and play some sports. Have a picnic at the beach or in the backyard. Go for a nature walk and explore the area around you.

Educational activities: Learning doesn’t have to be boring. Visit a local museum, go to a planetarium show, or head to the library. Have a movie night where you watch a documentary or educational film. Research a topic of interest together or read a book.

Creative activities: Unleash the creative side of the kids. Have an art day where everyone can explore different mediums. Have a play session where everyone takes turns creating stories and acting them out. Set up a music session for everyone to get creative with instruments.