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Month: December 2022

Know Dead Sea Salt Importance

Dead Sea salt is a popular natural treatment for a variety of ailments. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions including arthritis, sore throat, colds and coughs, as well as being helpful for skin care, hair care and dental care. People who have tried Dead Sea salt on their own health report positive results.

Dead Sea salt is derived from Dead Sea located on the shores of Jordan, Israel, West Bank and the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. Dead Sea salt belongs to the Amu Dua or seawater group of minerals. The mineral content of the material is different significantly from oceanic Dead Sea salts. In fact, it is the largest amount of sodium chloride available around the world.

According to the research conducted on the medicinal properties of Dead Sea salt, it contains a number of beneficial effects such as improving digestion and easing the skin condition. The minerals found in the Dead Sea also possess antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that make it highly effective in treating ailments. Moreover, it possesses calcium, magnesium, potassium, silica, manganese and iodine, which are very important for maintaining good health and are responsible for the various positive therapeutic properties of the material.

Most of the salts from the Dead Sea contain more than 90% magnesium, which is responsible for the characteristic taste and smell of the liquid. Apart from this, calcium, potassium and silica are other important minerals which have healing effects on the human body. Moreover, calcium, potassium and magnesium together with calcium, silica and iron are responsible for stabilizing the pH levels. A major component of the Dead Sea salt is Epsom salt, which is one of the most common natural remedies that is applied to a number of skin problems. It has a soothing effect on the skin and helps in relieving acne, itching and rashes.

Psoriasis is a common skin disease affecting millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by red, dry patches on the skin and can be very agonizing. Psoriasis can also cause extreme damage to the skin by causing rashes, sores, blisters and even infections. To treat psoriasis, all that is required is Dead Sea salt bath treatment. Although psoriasis can be effectively cured through topical medication, nothing compares to the healing power of Dead Sea salt to cure psoriasis.

One of the best known ways that Dead Sea salt treatment is used for the cure of psoriasis is using it in its steam. The Dead Sea salt is very effective in reducing inflammation because it has medium thickness oily texture. When the skin cells get soaked with it, they are relaxed and this in turn helps in eliminating the inflammation. It can also increase the metabolism of the skin cells and this promotes the healing process. When the skin cells are healed, the chances of developing new skin cells are high and this prevents the skin from becoming old.

Another great benefit of Dead Sea salt baths treatment is that it also has medium density fatty acids which play a major role in maintaining the skin cells and improving skin cell regeneration. As we know that when there is good circulation of the blood, the skin cells are nourished as well as cleansed. Therefore, when there is a good supply of oxygen to the skin cells, the healing process of psoriasis begins and the risk of developing new skin cells is lessened. The magnesium content of the Dead Sea salt also plays an important role in the skin cells. When the skin cells are nourished and healed, the likelihood of developing new skin cells is high and this also reduces the risks of developing new infection.

There are many other benefits that Dead Sea salts possess and these are mainly due to its unique properties. All these have their own specialities and some of them are as follows. It has low solubility level; it forms small water beads when mixed with water, and it has a large amount of sodium chloride and magnesium. These make the Dead Sea salts one of the most effective natural remedies that can treat various diseases and improve the general health condition of people. So, if you want to enjoy all these benefits, then just make sure that you add Dead sea salt to your bath water regularly.

Top 3 Advantages of Industrial Uniforms

An industrial uniform is a special type of clothing worn by workers in various industries. The purpose of wearing industrial uniforms is to protect the workers from any accidents that might occur as well as to provide comfort during long working hours. For example, a construction worker might be carrying heavy materials and needs clothing that will keep him comfortable and protected from injuries. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right industrial uniform for the right job.

Industrial uniforms are designed only for industry work and cover all types of work such as construction, waste management, manufacturing, food-processing, healthcare, and more. Usually, these uniforms are used by companies that have different types of work that need specific types of clothing. However, many companies create their uniforms so that they can standardize the appearance of their workers and make them easily recognizable despite the different tasks they do. For example, nurses wear scrubs because it makes their appearance look more unified compared to other outfits such as jeans and T-shirts.

Advantages of Industrial Uniforms:

1. Opportunity:

Industrial uniforms are a great way to get employees to feel pride in the company, especially when that uniform is a brand identity. They also help create a distinctive look for the business, which can make it more memorable among customers and potential employees. The benefits of an industrial uniform program run deeper than that, though.

Any business with a dedicated wardrobe budget has at least considered how they’re going to use their clothing budget to best serve the needs of their business model—or maybe even implemented an industrial uniform program already. According to some sources, there are over 150 companies in the UAE alone that have already done so. There are several key advantages to having uniforms, including increasing efficiency and reducing costs for businesses. Having a uniform staff can also be good for recruiting talent, as it creates a sense of belongingness and community among current workers that new hires will want to be a part of.

When you’re looking at whether or not your business might benefit from having an industrial uniform program, you should start by looking at the three main advantages: 

  • Efficiency
  • Cost Savings
  • Recruitment

If you’d like more information about these advantages and how your business might be able to utilize them, contact us! 

2. Unity:

The biggest advantage of industrial uniforms is that it promotes unity. Whether it's a small business or a big corporation, people are more likely to feel intimidated by the management if they are dressed in suits while the employees wear branded T-shirts and jeans. Having a dress code that is consistent across the work floor makes everyone feel equal and approachable, which reduces hierarchy and makes the work environment more comfortable.

In addition to building unity in the workplace, industrial uniforms can help bond coworkers together. When everyone is wearing the same outfit, there's a strong sense of belongingness that gets instilled within everyone. For a small business, this will serve as a point of reference for other businesses who might want to start adopting this concept in their company.

Not only does this promote team spirit in the workplace, but also creates a positive image of your company among customers. Industrial clothing and uniforms seem professional without being boring and thus convey trustworthiness to customers. When given an option between two companies selling similar products at similar prices or working in a construction area, customers would rather choose one where employees are dressed in industrial uniforms over one where employees are dressed informally.

3. Protection:

The most obvious advantage of industrial uniforms is protection. When a company has a uniform program, everyone's workwear is the same and consistent. This means that people are less likely to get injured because they won't accidentally trip over something on the floor or slip on a wet surface. With uniforms, fewer accidents are happening in the workplace, which means that you can save on medical expenses and also put less stress on workers who have to take time off of work for recovery.

Apparel Point is proud to be the leading industrial uniform manufacturer in UAE, helping businesses in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all over the country with their uniform needs. Since we were founded years back, we've been providing our customers with world-class services for a broad range of industries.

In addition to our selection of high-quality products and fabrics, we also offer customization services that let companies choose from a wide variety of colors, sizes, and style options. We're the best industrial uniform supplier in Dubai with a large area of manual customization available.

We're committed to going above and beyond for our customers, and that's why we have an experienced team of designers and highly experienced seamstresses who specialize in industrial clothing. Our factory is state-of-the-art, allowing us to make all kinds of clothing—from aprons to overalls—in both standard sizes and custom measurements. Our prices are competitive while our quality is unmatched, making us one of the most popular providers of industrial uniforms in Dubai.