Prevention of the bites is the best treatment. When traveling or sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings, check the crevices of the mattresses, couches, and chair cushions for sightings of the small beetle-type bugs.

They like to hide in dark places until they sense food in their midst. Another telltale sign is the presence of spots on the sheets or mattress that resemble pepper or rust. These are the droppings of the bugs and upon close observation, may even contain blood. If you are looking for bed bug bites treatments then you can search the web.

Adult bed bugs with nymph stages and eggs

If you find that you have bed bugs in your home, it is not because your house is dirty or unkempt. These bugs can be found in the cleanest of environments. There is no reason to be ashamed or fearful. It is time to take action, though.

To get rid of bed bugs is not an easy task but it can be done. After finding them in a room, thoroughly vacuum all the carpet, upholstery, mattress, and any surface that you can reach. This will remove the bugs, eggs, and larva.

After physical removal, a good dose of heat will take care of the rest. Use the heat in your dryer for pillows, and cushions.  Use a hot steam cleaner to clean the same surfaces that you vacuumed. In addition to heat, there are sprays and traps that can be purchased to specifically target bed bug extermination.