Many athletes want to know what the best supplements are for them to take. There are many options, depending on the sport the athlete is involved in, as well as their individual biochemical makeup. All athletes should take a good quality vitamin B complex.

B vitamins help the body recover and the body needs more B complex when energy costs go up. Another supplement that all athletes should look out for is vitamin C. You can read more about natural supplements from various online sources.

Vitamin C is important for the development of healthy connective tissue, which is often injured or damaged during intense activity. It also affects the functioning of most of the biochemical processes in the body. Heavy athletes should consume one to two grams a day.

Many athletes take protein supplements or powders to help build muscle. Protein supplements must contain all the amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and must contain more individual amino acids than complex proteins so that the protein does not have to be broken down.

Whey protein has been proven to be the highest quality, most efficient, and most bioavailable source of protein. If athletes are over fifty, they should have more tyrosine (an amino acid) in their dietary supplements than average, because as they age they can no longer metabolize tyrosine from phenylalanine (another amino acid).

Dietary protein should make up about twelve to fifteen percent of the calories an athlete consumes during strenuous exercise. For athletes who can reduce their total calorie intake (wrestlers, boxers, gymnasts), the protein content of the caloric intake should be increased to above 15 percent.