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Tag: normal delivery

Types Of Baby Delivery

When most people think of babies, they will think of traditional normal delivery or the increasingly common cesarean section (c-section). Due to complications, health problems, or other reasons, some babies are now born using a variety of other methods.

Remember that each type of childbirth carries certain risks to both mother and child and should only be performed by a doctor or other birthing specialist. If you want to know more about normal delivery then you can visit at jacaranda maternity.

normal delivery

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Normal Delivery – The typical way of delivering a baby, normal delivery is the main type of delivery where the mother pushes the baby through the birth canal. The mother may choose to take medication to relieve pain during normal delivery, or she may give birth naturally.

Cesarean section – Incisions can be planned or unplanned, but usually, this operation is fairly quick with the doctor cutting your belly and removing the baby. Sometimes a cesarean section is needed when the mother's thigh is too narrow to allow for normal delivery so this can be planned.

Forceps – Sometimes the doctor may need to inject forceps into the birth canal. They are like large spoons that cover the baby's head and allow the doctor to guide or move the baby. 

Vacuum – Using a vacuum during delivery replaces the tweezers because they are softer. The doctor takes a suction device and places it on your baby's head. Small vacuum pressure is applied which allows the doctor to rotate and also pull the baby's head as the mother pushes.

Exercise and Child Birth Methods

Questions were raised from Pregnant Mothers how safe are they while participating exercise since some are restricted while some are allowed. There are proper guidelines needed to protect the mothers and the baby from adverse reactions.

Pregnant mothers should be concern that exercise is necessary to build strong muscles, assisting weight gain, or boost your heart rate in preparation for a tedious labor and delivery. Also, the importance of exercise is to prevent circulatory stasis in the lower extremities. To love the idea, well planned exercise must be chosen in her line of interest.

A recent study showed that pregnant women participating in aerobic exercise have reduced risk of cesarean birth. Those who had regular activity during the first two trimesters of pregnancy have normal birth delivery.

normal delivery, family care medical centre

Image Source:  Google

The recommended exercise program consist of:

  • 5 minutes of warm up exercise
  • Stimulus phase of 20 minutes
  • 5 minutes of cool down exercises

Planned exercise programs have long term benefits such as:

  • Weight control
  • Decrease incidence of ovarian cancer
  • Lower cholesterol Level
  • Reduce risk of osteoporosis
  • Increase energy level
  • Maintain healthy body weight
  • Decrease risk of heart disease
  • Increase self esteem
  • Possible reduce chance of cesarean birth

Walking and swimming is the best activity since it promotes exercise to large muscle groups rhythmically. The restricted activities during pregnancy are skiing, biking, jogging, high impact aerobics program, and long distance swimming. The use of hot tubs and saunas after workouts must not be longer than 5 minutes. Discontinue exercise immediately if there bleeding occurs.