The psilocybin mushroom is a mushroom that contains the psychoactive composite psilocybin, a natural psychedelic compound that, among other effects, can produce powerful hallucinations and mystical experiences.

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Psilocybin is better known as "magic mushrooms" or "mushrooms". More than 180 types of mushrooms contain psilocin or psilocybin derivatives, and mushrooms have been used in religious and spiritual rituals. They are also widely used psychedelics in the US and Europe.

The psilocybin mushroom, however, is more than just a drug and a mystery. They have been used in therapeutic settings to treat a wide variety of ailments and disorders, including cluster headaches, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, and addiction.

The recent resurgence of research on the therapeutic effects of psilocybin has shown promising results.

Many factors contribute to the psilocybin experience, including your dose, mindset, attitude, and your body's personal chemistry. With that in mind, every journey is unique to the person, time, and place, and there is no way of knowing exactly what will happen. However, once you understand the general experience and effects of psilocybin, you can prepare for your trip.

Psilocybin mushroom is usually taken in completely dry form, and most people agree that it tastes bad. To mask the flavor, some people brew mushrooms in tea, add them to Nutella or peanut butter, mix them with juice or smoothies, or grind them and put them in capsules.