One of the great contradictions in the world of art is African American art. This is because African American art is one of the most energetic local works of art in the world.

African painting can depict life in Africa with rural scenes where people do daily work such as cooking, caring for children, and having fun. You will see images of imperial wildlife in Africa including elephants, dinosaurs, rhinos and giraffes.

Some oceanic art works, including ocean masks, paintings, and sculptures, are very realistic, while others are very abstract. However, both are very inspiring and show just how passionate African American artists are about their homeland. 

There are many art galleries in New York that are very renowned for oceanic art. You can find the best oceanic art gallery in New York via various web sources.

oceanic art gallery

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Some of the items that are highly sought after among these African American art collectors are African American tribal tattoos. You can find oceanic masks used for rituals, festivals and stories.

Ocean tribal tattoos can demonstrate these various qualities such as courage, ability, protection, peace, fertility, honor and wisdom. Here you can find tribal tattoos of African animals such as zebras and antelopes.

Artists from Africa create a large collection of figures, sculptures with different backgrounds. Pieces can be made of wood, clay, and various types of metal. 

Actual African constructions and carvings can be as stand-alone pieces or as wall carvings. Anyone who has noticed that African women and men wear their traditional clothes will likely know that African clothing is also very much alive.